Currently, the tri-LiDAR configuration is represented by Avatr, which is equipped with three 96-beam LiDARs positioned at the front and on both sides, using Huawei’s ADS intelligent driving system. In contrast, AITO, which also uses Huawei ADS, only has one front-facing LiDAR but with 192 beams. In terms of individual sensor quality, more beams are certainly an advantage. However, real-world extreme test cases from Avatr users are more common, such as driving on a highway at night with no lights, avoiding poles, dodging asymmetric concrete blocks, debris thrown by cars ahead, and even reacting to pedestrians suddenly crossing the road.

I’m not a car expert, but I’ll provide an analysis from the perspective of image and software processing.

The number of LiDAR beams can be roughly understood as similar to a camera’s pixel count. A high-beam LiDAR can capture more detailed images, such as recognizing arms and legs on a person, while a low-beam LiDAR might only recognize a vertical block. Higher resolution certainly helps with future smart recognition tasks, like prioritizing pedestrian safety and predicting behavior. But in the current stage, would an intelligent driving system deliberately crash into something just because it looks like a block? Obviously not, especially not with Huawei’s ADS. Moreover, it’s important to note that current LiDAR systems are complemented by visual cameras, and the data from both can be cross-checked. If the number of LiDAR beams continues to increase to an extreme level, it might eventually replace cameras entirely, but that’s a future scenario.

Looking at the number of LiDARs from a different angle, using a three-sensor setup like Avatr’s, with sensors on the front, left, and right, provides strong scene monitoring not only for the front but also for the sides. The difference between one sensor with a 90-degree front field of view (for example, not precise) and three sensors covering over 200 degrees (again, just an example) is significant. This might explain why Avatr has so many successful extreme driving cases.

In conclusion, given that LiDAR technology has not yet reached its peak and visual cameras still serve as a supplement, increasing the number of beams may not currently offer as much improvement as increasing the number of sensors (especially with regard to coverage angle). This raises the question: if so, why do almost all current LiDAR-assisted driving systems only use one sensor? The answer is simple—cost! If one forward-facing LiDAR can capture 80% or even 90% of scenes, with cameras filling in the gaps, is it worth tripling the cost just to cover the remaining 10% or less? This cost-benefit analysis seems unfavorable. Ultimately, every industry is a balance between cost and performance. Perhaps in the future, if the cost of LiDAR drops dramatically, we might see cars equipped with them all around.

雑談ですが、LiDARは現在スマートカーで一番使われる設備です。現在、トリ・LiDAR構成は、フロントと両側に96ビームのLiDARを搭載し、HuaweiのADSインテリジェントドライビングシステムを使用しているAvatrによって表されています。これに対して、同じくHuawei ADSを使用しているAITOは、前方に192ビームのLiDARを1つだけ搭載しています。個々のセンサーの品質という観点では、ビーム数が多い方が有利です。しかし、Avatrユーザーからの実際の極限テストケース、たとえば、街灯のない夜間の高速道路での走行や、ポールの回避、非対称のコンクリートブロックの回避、前の車が投げた破片の回避、さらには突然道路を横断する歩行者に対する反応などが、より多く報告されています。





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